Economy firewall malfunctions – part 2

During the past week, I received the Bank of Guyana (BOG) Report for the first half of 2009 which the bank is required under the law to submit to the Minister of Finance. As usual the report is comprehensive, contains valuable economic data, is very professionally written and therefore considered generally quite reliable. I will take into account the contents of that report as I continue my review of the 2009 mid-year report of the Minister of Finance, but before doing so, let me draw attention to certain matters touched on last week that are also addressed in the BOG report.

The first and perhaps the most important relates to performance of the economy in the first six months of the year. The Minister of Finance reported in unambiguous terms that the economy declined in 2009 by 1.4%, supporting this in Appendix A1 of his report, sourced to the Bureau of Statistics. The Bank of Guyana on the other hand, reports, both in narrative form and in a graph, a positive growth of an identical percentage and projects that the economy will “continue to grow during the second half of the year.”

There is an obvious conflict between the numbers and it is disappointing that the Minister of Finance did not detect the discrepancy on such a fundamental matter, given that the BOG’s half-year report is submitted to him. This failure suggests either gross carelessness, or, heaven forbid, that the Minister did not read the BOG report, both of which would be sad indeed. The country would no doubt expect a clarification from one or both of the parties responsible for these reports.

Another issue is the different approaches to inflation. While the BOG uses the identical percentage of 1.3% reported by the Minister of Finance, its report describes the inflation number specifically as the Georgetown Urban Consumer Price Index which is obviously different from a national inflation rate. The Minister of Finance on the other hand, was not as specific and importantly, gave only an estimate of inflation, inevitably inviting speculation about the margin of error.

In last week’s column, there was a comment that sugar was becoming the scapegoat for the poor performance of the economy with its field workers being increasingly blamed not only for the industry’s, but also the country’s economic woes. The BOG report offers some perspective. While the number of work stoppages increased by 22.9% to 102 from 83 in the corresponding period last year, the number of man days lost was only 18,785 compared with 33,389 in half-year 2008, a 44% drop in production days lost.

The BOG also informs us that exports to the European Union accounted for 97.5% of Guysuco’s exports, up from 91.7% in 2008. For all the noise that the President made about the EPA and its adverse effects on sugar prices, our dependence on the EU market in 2009 was practically total, despite the corporation’s attempt at market diversification. It would seem unfair to place that at the feet of the field workers.

When the 2009 National Budget was presented earlier this year it was followed by the usual chorus of the biggest budget ever, no consideration given to the absorptive capacity of the economy. Business Page of November 16 last year in commenting on the expenditure side of the 2008 mid-year report, noted that it was “a matter of speculation why only 38% of the full year budget has been expended on what a table in the report described as key sectors.” That column went on to draw attention to the Health, Infrastructure and Agriculture sectors where only 41%, 27% and 33% respectively, had been spent in the first half of the year and asked whether the country was “going to see a mad and irresponsible rush to spend during the second half of the year, simply because the money has been allocated.” That indeed is what appears to have taken place in 2008.

Mid-year expenditure of Key Sectors – G$ million


Source: Mid Year Report 2009
Note: H1 refers to the first six months.

As the table above shows, we are faced with a very similar situation in 2009, even as the number of sectors identified as “key” is reduced from nine in 2008 to five in 2009. Those excluded this year are Culture, Office of the President, Public Service Ministry and Social Welfare for which billions were allocated in the 2009 Budget. The Minister’s report did not indicate why he considered that these were no longer “key” and his discussion was therefore more than limited in this regard. In 2008 the expenditure on the Minister’s key sectors in 2008 accounted for 37% of the full-year budget allocation, compared with 34.6% this year. Yet, the Minister did not think it necessary to make any significant adjustment to the full-year projections, in fact marginally increasing the total non-interest budget expenses for the full year. If technical and administrative skills are regarded as critical to delivering on the 2009 Budget programmes, it is difficult to see how those programmes could be achieved given that there is no greater implementation capacity in the second half 2009 than in the first half.

Many of the numbers speak for themselves but with all the contracts being awarded, the almost daily appearances in the press of some of the ministers and the extent to which we have committed the country to borrowings, it is difficult to understand the low spending on these sectors, particularly given that several line items are of a fixed and constant nature. To put the figures in context, it means that Agriculture would have to spend in the current half of 2009 four dollars for every dollar spent in the first half. The same applies to Infrastructure, while for Education and Housing and Water it is a more modest $1.5 for every dollar.

The drug bonanza
Health is interesting. Successive annual reports from the Audit Office remind us that cabinet has hand-picked for unlawful but very lucrative, multi-billion procurement contracts to supply the government with drugs and medical supplies, one of the companies of the Ramroop Group, with which President Jagdeo announced he has a friendly relationship and for which new tax concession laws were passed in 2008. As if the selection by the President’s cabinet were not enough, the government makes up-front payment on those contracts. Perhaps not surprisingly therefore, of the $2.5 billion budgeted for Drugs and Medical Supplies, 66.5 % was spent in the first six months of the year, up from 53% for the corresponding period in 2008.

With this kind of abuse, the government ought not to be surprised that Guyana is ranked at 126 among 180 countries listed in the Transparency International (TI) Report, along with seven other countries that include war-ravaged countries such as Eritrea, Ethiopia, Honduras, Mozambique and Uganda. The government’s protestations about TI’s methodology would have credibility and resonance if the country was convinced that it had any interest in halting the abuses attendant on the procurement of drugs and other products and services and the Lotto funds, pursuing those who contribute to its party while engaging in the worst forms of corruption of revenue officers, keeping its promise on a Freedom of Information Act and observing good governance and the rule of law in all their forms and manifestations.

With corruption and the absence of any culture of accountability and transparency in religion, the trade union movement, civil society, the private and NGO sectors, the political parties, sports, in national and local government – in short in every area of life – many Guyanese find it hard to believe that there are countries more corrupt than Guyana. The fact is, however, that there are and we need to ensure that we do not slip further to the bottom. Like the rotting of the fish, the disintegration from corruption begins at the head.

Bloating the public sector
Another interesting line item is what is referred to in Appendix E4 to the Mid-year Report as Contracted Employees. There too we have spending very much on track as the government selectively employs more and more persons at the public expense. The 2009 Budget allocation for wages and salaries of contracted employees is $3.2 billion which the Minister projects will be exceeded, no doubt because more than 50% has already been spent in the first six months of the year. The Office of the President in particular now has a number of advisers and consultants, some of whose designations and functions are by no means clear, and who seem to be paid either for their past service to the party or to do political work on behalf of the party. The contracted employees do not come cheap. Some of them are paid in real currency, have 24-hour security, chauffeur, administrative support, enjoy valuable tax and duty concessions – all paid for by the poor taxpayers or financed by the donors who seem to be salivating at the prospect of giving to a poor country.

How much of the further $2.2 billion dollars in benefits and allowances goes to the contracted employees is not determinable but what is interesting is that the wages and salaries of the contracted employees exceeds that of the total administrative staff of the central government by more than 15%. And it is because of these contracted employees including permanent secretaries, many politically appointed, that the Public Service Commission is becoming increasingly sidelined and irrelevant. Is it because of the chauffeur-driven and state-provided vehicles that the Public Service Ministry has not seen it fit or necessary to revise the 1995 rates of travel allowances paid to public officers, many of them lower level operatives not important to the new order governing public finances in the country?

To be continued

Economy firewall malfunctions

Today Business Page begins a short series on the Mid-year Report 2009 which the Minister of Finance is required to submit to the National Assembly under the Fiscal Management and Accountability Act, 2003.

Despite the President’s assurance that he had constructed a “firewall” – a term used to refer to the prevention of unauthorised intrusion into a computerised system – to protect the economy from the recession which had hit the world economic system, the Guyana economy contracted by 1.4% during the first half of 2009 (H/Y). This is according to the mid-year report presented to the National Assembly by Dr Ashni Singh, Minister of Finance on November 12, 2009, more than ten weeks after its legal due date and five days after this column had lamented the financial lawlessness that now characterises the Jagdeo/Singh economic management team. The firewall was only able to promote and permit growth in the half-year in two of the fifteen economic sectors when compared with their performance in the first half of 2008. The sectors which show improvement being forestry which grew in H/Y 2009 by 0.3% compared with a decline of 23% in the corresponding period in 2008, and manufacturing which moved from a decline of 3% in H/Y 2008 to 0% in the same period in 2009. Although the great majority of sectors performed poorly, the Minister of Finance who also controls the Bureau of Statistics which compiles the national statistics constituting his report, reported half-year growth in the non-sugar sector of 1.1% compared with a 4% growth for the same period in 2008. As Bill Clinton would say, It’s sugar, Stupid.

Obviously disregarding current developments in the sector, the report projects sugar to boost overall economic performance in the second half of 2009, reversing its own 20% decline in half-year 2009 to a 10% overall 2009 growth, and thereby spectacularly transforming the economy’s half-year decline of 1.4% to a full year 2.5% growth for the entire year. Once again, the Bureau of Statistics will have its work cut out, but more significantly, despite the government’s two-decade attempt at diversification of the economy, sugar remains the economy’s backbone, lifeblood, and increasingly its scapegoat. The projected growth in sugar and therefore the rest of the economy must be encouraging for the main sugar union GAWU as it enters into government-imposed wages arbitration with the state owned GuySuco.


Source: Minister of Finance Mid-Year Report 2009

And even the improved performance in the two sectors may not bode too well after all. Under the Guyana-Norway LCDS Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) addressed in this column last week, the country may not be able to optimally exploit our forested areas that cover 80% of the country. That understanding brings those areas under international supervision bordering on control, in return for a six-year grant from the Norwegians of potentially US $250 million – hardly a good return on what President Jagdeo has described as our greatest asset. Because the report was said to have been written before the signing of the MOU, it does not contain any reference to that agreement, including the immediate potential implications. Hopefully, that is not overlooked as the Guyana-Norway agreement is for specified funds for a limited period.

With respect to manufacturing, let us recall that the explanation given by the Minister last year for the manufacturing sector recording what economists like to refer to as negative growth, was partly the high cost of inputs – fuel and imported raw materials. The question whether the manufacturing sector is a mere price taker would be very interesting indeed for consideration by the Minister of Finance, the leaders of the sector and those who continue to call for any and every tax concession ever conceived. It must also be of some irony and concern that the Vice-Chairman of the Private Sector Commission and a lead private sector person on the Jagdeo-led National Competitiveness Strategy Programme, Mr Ramesh Dookhoo, is the current head of the Guyana Manufacturers Association.

It is surely not too early to ask President Jagdeo and Mr Dookhoo to show how the over five-and-a-half billion dollars borrowed from the IDB are benefiting the country, in the light of the reverse-stop-go performance of the economy. Just to put Norway’s potential contribution into context, the NCS loan is 90% of the first year LCDS payment. I do not know if the lender, the IDB pays any attention to the work done by the National Competitiveness Council but what is on the NCS website is what one would hardly expect from busy politicians and their overpaid consultants and experts.


Source: Mid-year Report 2009

As usual the report does not bother to deal with several key issues relevant to the economy and the only mention the Clico fiasco warrants is a boast that “the government’s timely intervention in placing the company under judicial management has helped to contain the impact of the company’s difficulties.” It does not appear to have been recognised or accepted that had the government’s intervention been before and not after the virtual collapse of the company’s Trinidad parent, then the country would not have lost a gross sum of tens of millions of US dollars. The report offers no assurance of when Clico’s depositors and policy-holders will receive the money guaranteed by the ever-promising President. Those include the National Insurance Scheme and thousands of others who did not benefit from the serendipitous payout by Clico just prior to its downfall. Nor does it address the new arrangements for the insurance sector that has now been placed under the Bank of Guyana, the very institution that along with the Office of the Commissioner of Insurance contributed in no small measure to the demise of Clico. It is timely to note as well that the hurriedly drafted amendment is likely to create more juridical problems than the administrative weaknesses it is intended to cure. The entire functions of the Commissioner of Insurance have been transferred to the Bank of Guyana and unless the bank creates a similarly named position it is a fair inference that the position has been abolished.

It would have been good too if the Minister had spent some time telling the country about the state of tax reform which has become another annual promise, the progress to stem money-laundering, the state of the National Insurance Scheme given its exposure to Clico, legislation dealing with the New Building Society that according to the President has reached its lending limit, the (President’s) $2 billion promise to the housing sector for the vulnerable groups in our society and his billion dollar mangrove project and Dr Singh’s understanding of the reasons for the sharp decline in the performance of the distribution sector, from 11% in both halves of 2008 to a mere 3% in half-year 2009. Or is it that the Minister considers this and the reported Bureau of Statistics’ “estimate” of inflation in half year 2009 of 1.3% adequately dealt with by his assessment of consumers’ exercise of “caution and prudence”? I have to confess that is a novel if not unique explanation for depressed spending power in the national economy.

To be continued

Half year economic performance

The Guyana economy has performed reasonably well during the first half of the year according to Dr. Ashni Singh, Minister of Finance, and there is cautious optimism about the domestic economy for the rest of the year. This is according to the mid-year report presented to the National Assembly by the Minister on October 27, 2008. However, anyone with a serious interest in the economy and concerned about the several important omissions contained in the mid-year report should read the report in conjunction with the half-year report done by the Bank of Guyana and published on the bank’s website.

Driven by improved performances in agriculture, mining, engineering and construction, and services, the economy recorded a 3.8 per cent GDP growth during the first half of 2008, but still a sharp decline from the 5.8 per cent growth in the corresponding period of 2007. The Bank of Guyana – using that well-known oxymoron – reports that the manufacturing sector recorded negative growth, due partly to the high cost of inputs − fuel and imported raw materials, challenges to which the sector is no stranger.

Source: Bank of Guyana Half-year report 2008

Revenue and expenditure
On central government revenue and expenditure, the mid-year report presents some interesting information. Value-added and excise taxes were budgeted to increase by 12.8% from the $36.7 billion collected in 2007 to $41.4 billion in 2008. For the half-year actual collections amounted to $17.8 billion (43% of full year) compared with the $17.1 billion collected last year. On a period by period comparison these collections represented a marginal increase in value-added tax to $11 billion from $10.2 billion, although excise tax collections declined to $6.7 billion from $7 billion.

Internal revenue collections amounted to $19 billion in the first half of 2008 compared with $17.4 billion collected last year. The bulk of such revenue comes from a handful of companies, including the commercial banks, telecommunications companies and Banks DIH, DDL and DEMTOCO. Despite the many unincorporated businesses, the self-employed category pays less than one billion dollars in taxes, or just about 15% of the taxes paid by the employed persons.

While both reports indicate significant growth in key sectors, tax revenues have not risen correspondingly and one is left to wonder whether this is a case of generous tax concessions or continued tax evasion within key sectors.

But it is in relation to expenditure that the picture is particularly interesting. And while the Minister in his report did not discuss the table which contains several errors, it must now be a matter of speculation why only 38% of the full year budget has been expended in what the table itself describes as key sectors. Particular attention is drawn to the Health,

Infrastructure and Agriculture sectors where only 41%, 27% and 33% respectively, have been spent in the first half of the year. Are we going to see a mad and irresponsible rush to spend during the second half of the year, simply because the money has been allocated?


The mid-year report deals very inadequately with external debt and omits completely any information on domestic debt which has been rising alarmingly over the past several years. The Bank of Guyana Report shows the stock of government’s domestic bonded debt increasing by 7.6 per cent, while its external public and publicly guaranteed debt rose by a whopping 16.8 per cent from end-June 2007.

The outstanding stock of government domestic bonded debt, which consisted of treasury bills, debentures, bonds and the CARICOM loan, amounted to G$74,223 million, an increase of 7.6 per cent from end-June 2007 and 7 per cent from end-December 2007 balance. The increase from one year earlier reflected the expansion in the stock of outstanding government treasury bills at end-June 2007.

Over the year July 1 2007 to June 30, 2008, the stock of outstanding public and publicly guaranteed external debt rose by 18.2 per cent to US$774 million. This increase reflected disbursements of US$45 million by the Inter-American Development Bank and the delivery of US$44 million credit by the Venezuela Petrocaribe agreement.

This very critical economic and social indicator once again fails to attract the attention of the Minister and again recourse has to be had to the Bank of Guyana Report which by its own admission is not based entirely on hard data. One has to wonder why the government continues to refer to labour surveys but yet the Ministry of Finance seems unable or unwilling to deal with the issue. While indicating that preliminary data indicated that public sector employment remained relatively stable, the Bank of Guyana reports some decline due primarily to factors such as resignation and retirement of employees.

The Bank of Guyana reported that while “data on private sector employment are sparse, there are indications that the growth sectors recorded higher levels of employment.” It went on to state that the mining, distribution as well as the engineering and construction sectors seem (emphasis mine) to be associated with increased employment.

It is interesting how the Bank of Guyana and the Ministry of Finance are so sure of the performance of the various sectors of the economy but cannot establish similarly reliable numbers on employment.

Inflation has been one of the most disputed and massaged variables in the Guyana economy. Both reports indicate a 5.8% rate of inflation but again the Bank of Guyana is more informative even if no less controversial. The Minister of Finance attributes the increase mainly to food items, identifying cereals and cereal products as the principal contributors which are unlikely to be the main concerns of the average consumer. In fact in a typical food basket done monthly by Ram & McRae, Chartered Accountants, the price increase in food items over the six month period was 10.2%, compared with the Bank of Guyana figure for the food group of approximately 9%.

While the date on the Minister’s report is shown as September 12, in fact it was presented to the National Assembly on October 27, repeating a pattern of wrong dating by this Minister. Despite the additional time he took in presenting his report, the Minister chose not to address the serious global economic issues that surfaced in the third quarter, nor did he treat in any serious way his duty under the law to include in the report a list of major fiscal risks for the remainder of the fiscal year, together with likely policy responses that the government proposes to take to meet the expected circumstances.