Outrageous and blatant abuse of state resources by the gov’t

Dear Editor,

It is a measure of how low the APNU+AFC Coalition Government has sunk that its Prime Ministerial Candidate and leader of the AFC Mr. Khemraj Ramjattan defends the use of state resources by  David  Granger and his ministers to campaign for the March 2 General and Regional elections. And how dysfunctional the Granger Administration has become that Mr. Joseph Harmon, Co-Chair of the Campaign to reelect the Granger-led Coalition, can dismiss concerns about the abuse of state resources as “a ridiculous assertion” even as the Coalition’s manifesto launch was live streamed from public resources. Ramjattan was defending Granger’s use of aircraft from the Guyana Defence Force while politicking on the day of voting by members of the Disciplined Forces.

According to Mr. Harmon, the APNU+AFC campaign is being “financed by of persons who [see in] the programmes which we [the APNU+AFC] are embracing a future for Guyana and want to invest in that future.” Even assuming that that were true, Harmon is showing an incredible lack of familiarity with facts and with the law. One major contractor appears to have been appointed to approach the private sector soliciting funds for the Coalition. Two such members of the private sector sought my advice on the legitimacy of such payment. Just as an aside, for their massive contribution to the future which the APNU+AFC has embraced, no doubt including further increases in taxation, not a single senior member of the private sector has made it to the President’s National Awards.

Harmon is reported to have told the media that “a decision on the release of campaign financing information would be made at the end of the campaign.” That is not a choice Mr. Harmon, it is a requirement of the law. An Election expenses return and declarations has to be submitted to the Chief Election Officer within thirty-five days after the declaration of results.

Now back to Ramjattan’s preposterous statement. Like Harmon, Ramjattan shows a remarkable level of ignorance about matters on which he pronounces. I shall identify two such statements made by Ramjattan. The first is that US President Donald Trump in his current re-election bid, utilises state resources, including the presidential aircraft, Air Force One.  It is not whether he does or does not. It is whether the use is free. It is not. The rule is that whenever the president is travelling for political purposes, the Party or his Campaign must pay the federal government for the cost of the trip. Where there is a dual purpose, the cost is allocated but is never free.

The second one is frankly dishonest. He argued that the use of state resources “is the norm of every other democracy I know.” Let me remind Mr. Ramjattan of the work I did for the AFC through Sheila Holder and him in obtaining information on how to address campaign finance. I am sure if he makes a reasonable search he would recover the Model Code of Conduct for elections (MCC) in India.

Meanwhile, here are some relevant extracts from that document:

Ministers must not combine official visits with election work or use official machinery for the same.  APNU+AFC compliance: Violated.

The party must avoid advertising at the cost of the public exchequer or using official mass media for publicity on achievements to improve chances of victory in the elections. APNU+AFC compliance: Violated.

Ministers and other authorities must not announce any financial grants, or promise any construction of roads, provision of drinking water, etc. APNU+AFC Compliance: Violated.

Other parties must be allowed to use public spaces and rest houses and these must not be monopolised by the party in power. APNU+AFC Compliance: Violated.

And just let me remind Harmon and Ramjattan that these are the rules for elections coming after the normal end of a Parliament. The APNU+AFC Government ended on a Motion of No Confidence which Granger and his Government improperly and unconstitutionally violated.

And finally, it would be good to hear from Ramjattan who has responsibility for the Guyana Police Force whether he was informed and authorised Minister Annette Ferguson addressing members of the Police Force promising them house lots one day before they cast their votes in these elections, and whether that is also the norm with which he is familiar.

The conduct and pronouncements of three named Ministers in this letter show how low Guyana has sunk intellectually and morally under David Granger and how far we are from the campaign financing rules for which Sheila Holder and Khemraj Ramjattan advocated while in opposition.

Yours faithfully,

Christopher Ram

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